"Sea lice treatments applied at open net-pen aquaculture sites in Atlantic Canada are extremely harmful to the American lobster. The fish farming industry relies on the dilution of chemical products in seawater to stay
below lethal levels." - SeaChoice. org
Sea lice are out of control at open net-pen aquaculture sites in Canada. Wild salmon pay the price.
"Canada has been relatively slow to invest in studying the risks that sea lice pose to marine ecosystems in Atlantic waters, and a full picture of impact is still emerging28 29. Three wild Atlantic salmon populations (Outer Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia Southern Uplands and Southern Newfoundland) listed as threatened or endangered by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada30 and the nearextirpated Inner Bay of Fundy salmon population, listed under the federal Species at Risk Act (SARA), all migrate in dangerous proximity to open net-pen sites31 32 33 34."
View a copy of a full report by SeaChoice.org below.