Help Fund The Fight
Protect Liverpool Bay is a grass roots community organization that is run 100% by volunteers and without sponsors or corporate funding of any kind. Donations of any size are greatly needed and appreciated.

On March 6, 2019, Cooke Aquaculture applied to Nova Scotia Fisheries & Aquaculture (NSDFA) for the proposed expansion of open net-pen salmon farms in Liverpool Bay from one 4ha site to three 40ha sites of 20 cages each, for a total of 60 cages. If approved, this would result in over 1.98 million salmon being ‘farmed’ in Liverpool Bay at any given time. View the proposed project location map here:
In August 2023, after almost 5 years, NSDFA has advanced these applications to the provincial Aquaculture Review Board (ARB) for final decision which involves a public hearing, now scheduled to begin on March 4, 2024. PLB volunteers have worked hard to gain Intervenor Status at this hearing. Our goal is to represent the concerns of our members who are adjacent property owners as well as users of the beach and waters were the proposed sites are located.
In 2019, PLB teamed up with EcoJustice, Canada’s largest environmental law charity, to assist in our opposition to Cooke’s expansion in Liverpool Bay. While EcoJustice will represent us pro bono, PLB is still responsible for expert, legal expenses and other costs associated with preparing hearing in front of the provincial ARB, estimated to cost as much as $25,000.
There are three ways to donate to this very important cause, donations greater than $250 are eligible for a charitable tax receipt:
E-Transfer to our email address below
Cheques up to $250, Payable to: Protect Liverpool Bay - no charitable tax receipt
Cheques greater than $250, Payable to: Ecology Action Centre - charitable tax receipt
You can view PLBA's financial statement here.

Protect Liverpool Bay Association
980 Brooklyn Shore Rd
Brooklyn, NS
B0J 1H0
Cash and cheque contributions accepted at all PLBA events. Look for the donation box upon arrival or seek out a PLBA member.