"There are questions about the validity of the decision to green-light one of the most significant aquaculture expansions in Tasmania's history, with documents obtained by the ABC it was made by just three sitting members of the nine-member assessment panel."
Only 3 out of 9 sitting panel members approved the expansion application. Yet it received the green light.
"The documents also revealed the Marine Farming Planning Review Panel agreed to allow the development in Storm Bay, despite expert advice it would be impossible to separate Tasmania's three largest salmon farming companies enough to prevent the spread of major diseases."
"It means there were only three legal chairs present when the decision to approve such an immense development as Storm Bay went through to the Minister. That's certainly open to legal challenge," she said.
"Tasmanians aren't dummies. You don't need to be an expert to know that three of nine seats is not a full panel, and we are not considering environment, biosecurity, boating safety, recreational fishing when we're pushing through giant developments."
For the full article click here.
