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More people, bigger venue for PLB event, where a new NS province-wide coalition was announced.

Published on Social Politics Facebook: "Much of the meeting and information session was devoted to presentations from three BC environmental activists, guest speakers at the event. All warned about the importance of keeping abreast of developments from the major players in the ocean fish farm debate, the need for reliable research and facts and the constant and years-long dedication it takes to fight the industry."

"Protect Liverpool Bay is one of several groups that recently formed a province-wide coalition opposed to open-pen fish farming in Nova Scotia. The coalition is under the auspices of the Ecology Action Centre in Halifax."

Excerpts from Social Politics Facebook post, March 3, 2020.

For the full story by Vaughn Mullen, visit the Social Politics facebook page or find the link by clicking on our post below. Please join the conversation and share.

Its clear our community is sending a strong message!


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