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Major die-off at Cermaq's Tofino salmon farms happening now

"Clayoquot Action has posted a short video on a deadly algae bloom on the western shores of Vancouver Island. Based on the video, Cermaq was initially reluctant to report to the public the die-off." - Protect Our Shorelines

From Protect Our Shorelines Facebook page:

"Cermaq Experiences Farmed Salmon Die-off In British Columbia from Deadly Algae. Clayoquot Action has posted a short video on a deadly algae bloom on the western shores of Vancouver Island. Based on the video, Cermaq was initially reluctant to report to the public the die-off.

An offshore monitoring buoy has not shown any abnormally high water temperatures over the past 3 months. Some speculate excessive nutrient loading from the plumes of untreated discharge from the farms may be the cause.

Whether it be warm waters, such as what reportedly killed 2.6 million salmon in Newfoundland, or harmful algae blooms in British Columbia, it is clear this model is broken.

These operations are a danger to themselves, and worse, to native species dependent on a healthy ecosystem. They should be removed from public/indigenous waters to upland contained systems.

Get involved. Make a difference in life today and in the future. If Canadian, sign the petition here:

If in Washington State, tell WDFW to require an EIS on Cooke Aquaculture’s plan to grow genetically altered rainbow trout in Puget Sound and market them a native steelhead. They don’t need Puget Sound. Comment by Nov 22, 5PM here:, referencing Cooke Aquaculture." - Protect Our Shorelines

Click on the link below for Clayoquot Actions video posted November 17th, 2019.


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