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ELECTION 2024: Healthy Bays Network - Party Positions on Open Net-Pen Fish Farms

HBN PRESS RELEASE: November 19,2024

The HEALTHY BAYS NETWORK, a provincial network of coastal community groups and others who are opposed to OPEN NET PEN FISH FEEDLOTS asked the four main political parties in the provincial election the following three questions in an open letter.

  • Are you opposed to the expansion of this industry?

  • Do you support a transition away from this method of production as they are doing in British Columbia?

  • Will you support a healthy alternative and use of our marine resources in the form of sustainable shellfish aquaculture and the sustainable harvesting of sea plants in areas where coastal communities are supportive?

The Healthy Bays Network is sharing these responses with you so you know where the parties stand on the planned expansion of open net pen aquaculture in the bays and inlets of our province”’ stated Wendy Watson Smith, Healthy Bays Network Chair.

The New Democratic Party has ”supported the movement to transition the industry away from Open Net Pen technology to closed containment, zero effluent ways to grow fish and to the responsible cultivation of shellfish and seaplants.” The NDP also says that “we oppose expansion of the ONP industry and recognize that important lessons will be available from development of the B.C. transition.

The Liberal Party says that the process used to approve leases needs to be improved so that “all voices, especially those of our coastal communities, should be considered.” They state, “We support increased opportunity for oyster farms and other shellfish aquaculture. We are not looking to expand finfish aquaculture.”

The Progressive Conservative Party says that Open Pen Fish Farming is economically valuable to Nova Scotia’s economy. The party says that the present system of evaluating leases is fair and fine. They say their consideration will be “for both economic opportunity and environmental stewardship.”

The Green Party did not provide a response by our November 15 deadline.

Attached are the full responses from each of the Parties. For more information, you can contact

Wendy Watson

PLB UPDATE: As we shared here in a previous post, PLB sent a similar letter with related questions on ONP fish farms to each of the Queens County candidates, asking them to share with us and Queens County communities their Party's position on the issues. We did not receive any responses.


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