OPEN FOR PUBLIC COMMENT TIL FEBRUARY 18TH, 4:00am AST! Kelly Cove Salmon has applied for approval under the Federal Navigation Protection Program to expand their open net pen finfish operation near Bayswater Beach Provincial Park. Please share this notice with recreational boaters, fishers and any other users of the waters in this area.
Public Comments Needed: to Transport Canada from all recreational boaters, fishers and any other users of the public waters surrounding Fish Farm Site AQ#1006, SADDLE ISLAND, St. Margaret's Bay.
Public comment open for the next 4 days and can be submitted on-line untilFebruary 18th at 4:00am AST!!! How to provide public comment is outlined below.
STEP 1: Go to the Transport Canada Common Project Search page:
STEP 2: Enter 4747 and click SEARCH. When the search page opens, scroll down to Results and click on: Saddle Island #1006 Aquaculture Site.
STEP 3: Near the top of the pace, in the second blue paragraph called the Commenting period section, click on the "leave a comment" link and follow the remaining steps..
Nobody said this would be easy...
If you have any questions click on our Facebook post below and leave a comment.