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Banned from farming salmon, Cooke Aquaculture now seeks to farm trout in Puget Sound, WA.

Despite having multiple salmon farm lease's terminated by Washington State, and a Legislative vote to cease all farming of nonnative fish in Washington waters by 2022, Cooke pivots to 'sterile' steelhead trout. Meanwhile last month, one of their salmon farm sites became partially submerged due to a defective pontoon, recalling the disastrous collapse in 2017 that resulted in mass escapes.

To read the story, click on our Facebook post below for the link:

Seattle Times | November 1, 2019 | Evan Bush

About the article, @SalmonResearch tweeted:

"If you still have doubts over the inherent negligence involved in keeping salmonids in sea cages, this article seals the deal.



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