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Advocate holds vigil at Windsor causeway, fighting for fish passage - The Chronicle Herald

To all PLB supporters - It is important to remember when reading this article that Keith Colwell is Nova Scotia's Minister of Agriculture as well as the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture!

Darren Porter holding vigil at Windsor Causeway
Darren Porter has been holding a vigil at gates of the Windsor causeway to raise awareness of the lack of fish passage - Contributed

Excerpt from article: The Chronicle Herald | by: Aaron Beswick | June 9, 2020

"Darren Porter has been keeping a one-man vigil at the Windsor causeway since last Thursday.

The Hants County weir fisherman and marine science data collector has been floating in his open boat up to 20 hours a day to raise awareness for the lack of fish being allowed up the Avon River."

“About six minutes on a tide,” said Porter of the amount of time the big gates in the Windsor causeway are opened to allow water through."

That, he argues, is not enough time to allow the inner Bay of Fundy salmon, shad, gaspereau, striped bass and tom cod to get up the Avon River.

That also, he argues, puts the operators of the gates (Department of Agriculture) in violation of the federal Fisheries Act."

Read the full article here.

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