In case you missed this report by Paul Withers, CBC, back on Feb. 1, 2022, speaking about the HBN press briefing in response to the ARB's decision to allow Cooke Aquaculture's boundary amendment at the Rattling Beach farm site.
"Opponents of marine fish farms are lashing out at the newly created Nova Scotia Aquaculture Review Board as it sided with industry in its first decision on a salmon farming case." - CBC
"This ARB has to be dismantled". - Brian Muldoon, Protect Liverpool Bay
"The approval was pre-ordained" - Derek Purcell, Twin Bays Coalition
"What was the point of actually going through the whole process of the ARB" - Kris Hunter, Atlantic Salmon Federation
"It certainly sets a poor precedent for enforcement.....for transparency,,,..,and for social license..." - Sarah McDonald, Lawyer, Ecojustice
"This boundary creep expansion was intentional and benefitted the operator but where is the sanction by the regulator? Why the tolerance for such deliberate expansion?" - Karen Traversy, Assoc. for Preservation of the Eastern Shore
"There was a lot of insulation from scrutiny at the provincial level..." - Simon Ryder-Burbidge, Ecology Action Centre
Paul Wither's report starts at 13:52 in the video. Click on link below.